Saturday, March 28, 2020

How Nutritious Is Bee Pollen Exactly?

Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT on June 20, 2017

What are the benefits of bee pollen?
Bee pollen is considered so beneficial that the German Federal Board of Health recognizes it as medicine. Advocates are quick to tout the benefits of this so-called superfood, saying it can:

1.relieve inflammation; as an antioxidant;
3.boost liver health;
4.strengthen the immune system; as a dietary supplement;
6.ease symptoms of menopause;
7.reduce stress and,
8.speed up healing

What is bee pollen?

Bee pollen is a ball of pollen made by young bees when they land on a flower. It’s a mixture of pollen, saliva, and nectar or honey. Bees carry these balls back to the hive in sacs on their legs and store them in the hive’s honeycomb. The pollen then ferments into “bee bread,” which feeds a bee colony.
Beekeepers collect pollen from bees by keeping a thick comb in the entrance of their hives. When bees pass through it, it knocks the pollen off their legs into a collection bin below. The bees then must go out to collect more pollen.

Nutrition facts
Bee pollen in its natural form comes as small, crunchy pellets. One tablespoon of bee pollen contains:
16 calories
0.24 grams of fat
1.2 grams of protein
2.18 grams of carbohydrates
250 types of nutrients, including vitamins and flavonoids
You can add it to foods like yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies. It can be grounded down as a supplement powder or into a capsule.

Recommended dosage
Adult20-40 g or 3-5 tbsp. per day
Children15 g or 1-2 tbsp. per day
If you take it in capsule form, be sure to read the label to ensure you’re taking the appropriate dose.

What the research says.
In recent years, a number of scientists have published studies on the supposed health benefits of bee pollen. However, these studies are mostly on animals and have yet to be proven on humans.

Here’s what the research says about bee pollen benefits:
*Relieving inflammation

*Bee pollen may work similarly to anti-inflammatory drugs, according to researchers. In one study on rats, scientists found that bee pollen extract reduced inflammation in rats with swollen paws. Research on mice showed bee pollen had anti-inflammatory effects when used to treat their liver disease.

*Working as an antioxidant
Researchers have found that bee pollen has very high antioxidant properties similar to those of fermented foods. Antioxidants are naturally occurring chemicals that exist in plant-based foods, usually those that are red or dark in color, as well as fermented foods.
Some common antioxidants include:
flavenols (found in chocolate)
resveratrol (found in wine)
lycopene (found in tomatoes)
vitamins A, C, and E
Antioxidants keep people healthy by counteracting oxidants such as air pollution and cigarette smoke that can damage the body.

*Boosting liver health
The liver is responsible for filtering toxins out of the body. Researchers found that in rats, bee pollen helps keep the liver healthy and can even help the healing process after liver damage.
Researchers noted that the rats had no side effects in taking bee pollen, compared to silibinin, a medication that also contains antioxidants but can also cause harm.

*Strengthening the immune system
A strong immune system is necessary for fighting off disease and keeping you healthy. One study found that bee pollen naturally inhibits allergic reactions in mice. Another study suggests that bee pollen has antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral properties. These properties could help kill off bacteria and viruses, such as staphylococcus aureus, which causes food poisoning.

*Working as a dietary supplement
Bee pollen could potentially work as a supplement that helps your diet and health. One study looked at rabbits that received a bee pollen supplement in addition to their regular diet. They had a longer lifespan and also greater reproductive success. They gave birth to healthier, stronger babies compared to rabbits who didn’t take the supplement.
Another study found that malnourished, old rats experienced improved muscle mass and metabolism after eating a diet that contained bee pollen.

*Easing symptoms of menopause
Many women who take antihormonal medications often experience symptoms of menopause. One study found that some women with breast cancer who took a bee pollen supplement experienced fewer, less intense menopause symptoms than those who didn’t.

*Reducing stress
Bee pollen can increase blood flow to the body’s nervous system, helping reduce stress. It’s also effective for tiredness, according to a review of bee pollen.

*Speed healing
Research shows that bee pollen can be used on the skin to speed healing, as it boosts blood circulation, kills bacteria, and moistens the skin.

What are the side effects of bee pollen?
Always buy your supplements from a reputable source. It’s possible to buy tainted bee pollen that contains potentially dangerous ingredients reported to cause serious side effects, including increased heart rate, cardiac arrest, and even death.
Talk to a doctor before taking any supplements or herbs.

Additionally, if you’re allergic to bee stings or wasps, you should avoid bee pollen. Discontinue the supplement immediately if you experience:
trouble breathing

Experts also recommend that pregnant women avoid taking bee pollen, as it may interfere with pregnancy.

Friday, March 27, 2020


Bee propolis has been used throughout history for many different things. Today, it is used as a natural remedy for a wide range of ailments by people looking for a product that is safe to use for the whole family.
Propolis has proven antibiotic and antiseptic properties, as well as possible antiviral and anti-inflammatory benefits. The benefits of bee propolis range from simple things like clearing up skin for people who suffer from eczema to more impressive things like helping with female infertility problems and even improving cancer cell death in the prostate and colon.
Studies have shown that the benefits of bee propolis can help lower the number of cases of acute and chronic rhinopharyngitis in children, as well as suppressing the viral microbes responsible for causing the infection in the upper airways. Propolis has also shown to be an effective treatment for pancreatitis in animals. It’s safe to use for your pets, too!

Benefits of Bee Propolis:

  • Heals minor wounds
  • Speeds up healing of cold sores and canker sores
  • Removes warts
  • Treatment of bone diseases
  • Protects, soothes, and heals skin
  • Alleviates allergies
  • Fights viruses and bacteria
  • Eliminates parasites
  • Improves fertility in women suffering from Endometriosis

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Honey-bee venom has evolved as  an effective defence mechanism over millions of  years and is one of  the reasons why everyone isn’t a beekeeper.
It isn’t within the scope of this article to describe bee venom properly but,  suffice it to say,  bee venom is:

*odourless liquid,
*comprising around 88% water and,
*it has a very complex chemistry. 

At  least 18 pharmacologically active  components have  been described,  including various enzymes, peptides and amines.  Of  the small proteins,  one called melittin constitutes about 50% of  the venom’s dry weight.  This hydrolyzes cell membranes,  causing changes in permeability,  and is  most responsible for the pain.  Other components,  however,  act in concert with  it,  such as  hyaluronidase,  which causes changes in cell membranes and allows  the venom to  spread easily. 

Other components can cause anaphylactic shock in sting victims,  and this is the cause of  most fatalities from bee stings on individuals.

Venom poisoning can be caused by large numbers of  bees,  and this can cause death in non-hypersensitive individuals.  It has been estimated that it would take 500–1500 stings for this to  occur.

Using venom for humans 
Apitherapists claim that  bee venom can be used for the treatment of  the following:

1.Chronic injuries,  such as  bursitis and tendonitis. 2.Hypertension.
4.Scar tissue removal.
5.Certain skin conditions,  such as eczema.
6.Hearing  loss and,
7.Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) etc.